BetaVia to support the immune system
K.-W. Pfannenschmidt GmbH
2022-11-28 12:19:00
BetaVia to support the immune system -

The seasonal wave of human respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infections started early this year. RSV is a common pathogen causing upper and lower respiratory tract infections. These can be serious, especially for young children and older adults.

At the moment, the wave of infections is leading to increased illnesses and hospital admissions, especially among young children. The numbers are expected to continue to rise in the coming weeks, according to the Robert Koch Institute. In addition, the number of influenza cases is already increasing. The real flu normally plays a role later in the season.

We offer BetaViaTM to support the immune system. The powder contains at least 50 % ß-1,3 Glucans and is obtained by a patented process from the alga Euglena gracilis. BetaViaTM is an approved novel food and can be used for adults as well as for children and infants.

A 90-day study with healthy active adults showed that the daily intake of 375 mg BetaViaTM has a positive, immunomodulatory effect, according to a 90-day study with healthy active adults. Participants taking BetaViaTM reported fewer sick days and upper respiratory tract symptoms, less symptom severity and fewer days experiencing symptoms, compared to the placebo group.